Rejoice Sultan trailer releases on May 24!

Rejoice Sultan trailer releases on May 24!



Rejoice Sultan Movie trailer releases on May 24! an news has been published by Yash Raaj Films and various online newspaper about sultanmovie. No wonder that Salman Khan- Anushka Sharma starrer Sultan will be the most anticipated film of the year. At first Sultan Movie trailer has been released on Youtube but it's time to watch Sultan new traier teaser on theater and cinema hall with thousand of viewer. First of all, Sultan yet another Eid treat for all Salman fans by Salman Khan and history has it that Salman Khan can never go wrong on this year EID. Secondly, Sultan movie doesn't look like yet another typical movie like masala Salman flick. It has got a lot of novelty hard working for it and hence, people are fully crazy about sultan and waiting for the film.

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According to :

The first two teasers have done the trick. They have created the foundation for the film and explained the backdrop on which the entire movie is set. Now almost about three weeks after the second teaser release, the theatrical trailer will hit digital platforms on May 24.

The trailer will be officially unveiled this Tuesday. There will be a grand trailer launch event in Mumbai with Salman, Anushka and everyone else.

Look what we got our hands on,

With only about a little over a month's time left for Sultan to hit the screens, the euphoria and buzz have hit the ceiling. And we can't help but get excited about this one. So Salman fans, rejoice!

 Thanks to all